Gardening Tips
flowers butterfly garden

As pleasing to our eyes as it is to its winged visitors, this garden shimmers in scarlet, purple, orange, and yellow, the vibrant colors most attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. The selected perennials also feature fragrance and special characteristics—clusters of small flowers and tubular forms—essential to drawing your small guests. The Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) and Caryopteris …. shrubs provide shelter for delicate butterfly wings on windy days. Don’t forget to provide a source of water; butterflies prefer sipping from a shallow container filled with gravel and water. And place a few attractive flat stones in your garden where butterflies can bask in the sun. For optimal results, hang a hummingbird feeder near your garden, since these tiny birds must feed almost nonstop. Plant this garden in full sun for best results; more than a few hours of shade will result in decreased flowering and less vigorous growth. The ornamental Grasses have been included to lend grace, texture, and year-long beauty to your garden.

Helpful hints

  • Using a Grass such as Calamagrostis’Karl Foerster’ instead of the Buddleia could make this garden a Zone 5 collection.
  • Place a water source nearby for birds to bathe in and also a shallow butterfly basin filled with sand and stones to attract monarchs.
  • Add shrubs such as Lilacs, VVeigela, and Flowering Crab Apples to attract and provide shelter for hummingbirds.
  • Grow Dill, Fennel, and Parsley nearby to promote and encourage successful swallowtail larvae.


a. Achillea ‘paprika’
b. Buddeia ‘nanho purple’
c. Caryoptersis ‘long wood blue’
d. Delphinium ‘casa blanca’
e. Deschampsia ‘bronze Veli’
f. Echinacea ‘magnus’
g. Liatris ‘kobold’
h. Monarda ‘garrdenveiw scarlet’
i. Origanum ‘herrenhausen’
j. Pennisetum ‘hameln’
k. Pennstmon ‘elfin pink’
l. Phlox ‘david’
m. Scabiosa ‘butterfly blue’

33 Garden Designs for your home:

Shady Oasis
Gaining Ground
Front Door Enterance Design
Coastal Perennial Garden Design
White Flower Garden Design
Grass Garden Design
Pastel Flower Garden Design
Rose & Perennial Garden Design
Bright Colorful Garden Design
Perennial Corner Garden Design
Butterfly Hummingbird Design
Silver & Blue Garden Design
Bog Garden Design
Pink Flowers Garden Design
All Year Flower Garden Design
Privacy Matter
Woodland Border
Hosta Shade Garden Design
Rock Garden Design
Cold Hardy Perennial Garden Design
English Garden Border Garden Design
Driveway Sidewalk Garden Design
Prairie Garden Design
Flower Garden Design
Entry Shade Garden Design
Hot & Humid Garden Design
Flowering Fiesta
Red White Blue Garden Design
Late Season Garden Design
Southwest Dry Garden Design
Garden for Children
Butterfly Garden Design
Hummingbird Garden Design
Shady Solutions

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