Indoor Gardening
Meet the king of the indoor jungle, Craig Miller-Randle. His indoor plant collection is visually spectacular, grown from decades of plant knowledge. Gardening Australia is thrilled to have Craig join our team as a guest presenter over the coming months, sharing his considerable indoor gardening expertise.

Craig’s loft apartment in Richmond (Melbourne, Australia) is packed with indoor plants and rarities, with a strong emphasis on tropical plants, plants with structural elements and those that compliment and enhance the aesthetic of the space.

Multiple plants on all levels of the apartment capture light throughout the day. Craig makes spectacular use of his stairwell to feature Rhipsalis and other hanging foliage plants.

Learn how Craig uses totems to increase humidity around the foliage of plants, as well as encourage larger foliage through replicating ‘climbing’ as the plants would in nature.

Plants Featured:
Philodendron ‘Glorious’ – Philodendron melanochrysum gloriosum
Pachypodium – Pachypodium geayi
Swiss Cheese Vine – Monstera adansonii

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