1.Yellow Lady’s Slipper, 2 Lily of the valley, 3 Bergenia, 4.Ligularia, 5. Queen Victoria Lobelia, 6. Solomon seal, 7. Jacob’s ladder, 8. Dwarfs Delphinium, 9. Decadence hybrids, 10. Pulmonaria, 11. Lenten rose hellebore, 12. Hosta plants, 13. Siberian bugloss, 14. spiderwort (Tradescantia) plant, 15. Bleeding heart plant, 16. Toad lily flowers,
17. Astilbe flowers. 18. Japanese anemone, 19. Columbine flower, 20. foamflowers, Tiarella, 21. Wild ginger,
22. Japanese painted ferns, 23. Ostrich fern, 24. Trillium, 25. Heuchera.Black Pearl.
These versatile perennials can be used in a shady courtyard pot or as a groundcover under deciduous trees. Prefers average to moist soil conditions. I am pretty sure there is more plants you can plant in a shady garden, as well as annual plants a didn’t mention here, I really hope you can choose some of them from my collection.
Drought Resistant Flowers. 30 Perennials Proven To Grow https://youtu.be/6Z-8fD75OA0
Shade Garden! Vegetables, herbs and berries best to grow! https://youtu.be/gYVtNwOKUEQ
Planting Wild Native Orchids In Your Yard https://youtu.be/DdfGaRD20O4
Growing green onions without soil! https://youtu.be/nwyKxJj0tFc
Growing raspberries in pots https://youtu.be/NROS95On3B0
Growing Strawberry From Seeds.Debunking The Myths. https://youtu.be/Ig3WaZxwpMQ
Do not use slice method to grow tomatoes from tomatoes! https://youtu.be/2OUx44cFSGk
Bury fish leftovers under tomato plant. Result. https://youtu.be/xilqIe_XvwY
Growing Basil In A Pot. No Cuttings. No Rooting. Ready In 30 Days. https://youtu.be/wB4Bn2jPeZA
How to successfully grow a fig tree in a cold climate https://youtu.be/7WfgN-yGn2k