Gardening Tips
planting flower bulbs

Do bulbs need fertiliser? If so, when?

If the choice of bulbs has been adapted to the local conditions, no fertiliser is necessary, in principle. However, if you want to be absolutely sure that they bloom next season, some fertiliser (preferable organic) could be given, immediately after bloom time.

Could you trim off the ugly leaves after bloom time?

No, never. Through these leaves the bulb collects new, essential nutrients for the next season.

When is the best time to plant bulbs?

Spring bulbs are planted in fall, between the end of September and mid-November (for the Northern Hemisphere). Summer bulbs are planted late in spring, between the end of April and the end of May. The ‘Catalog’ section on can divide bulbs by their flowering season to make this selection easier.

Can bulbs be planted in containers as well?

Yes, most bulbs are doing very well in pots provided there is good drainage and the containers are large enough. They should be at least 10 inches wide and 10 inches high. Plant about twice as many bulbs in a pot as is recommended.

How many bulbs do you plant on 1 m²?

This depends on the intended effect and the species used. For a natural looking result you need 15-20 tulips, 20-30 daffodils, 75 crocuses and 50 Anemone blanda. If you look for color effect: 60-80 tulips, 60-100 daffodils, 150 crocuses and 150 Anemone blanda. feels to make an impact there are minimum numbers that should be planted and that number is listed with each bulb. If you naturalize, divide by two! Potting the bulbs, multiply by two.

Are there any bulbs that like shade?

Yes, for example: Chionodoxa, Puschkinia, Erythronium, Fritillaria meleagris, Hyacinthoides, Arum, Allium ursinum. Select shade conditions under the ‘Bulb Finder’ wizard for a full selection of what is available.

How deep do you plant bulbs?

You plant bulbs on a depth of 2 to 3 times the height of the bulb. This is done to prevent drying out and freezing.

Do bulbs need care after planting?

It is important that bulbs grow roots as soon as possible to be able to stand frost and cold. When it has not rained in the first week after planting, the bulbs should be watered.

Can bulbs be planted in the lawn and if so, which ones are suitable?

For planting in lawns you need bulbs that bloom early in spring like Crocus, Scilla, Puschkinia, Galanthus, Erythronium, Anemone and Chionodoxa. After blooming they need time to let their leaves die off naturally. Only then can the lawn be mowed again.

Which bulbs are suitable for naturalizing?

Allium flavum, Allium ursinum, Chionodoxa (all species), Corydalis (all species), Crocus tommasinianus, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Scilla (all species). All these increase easily as well. There is a “naturalizing icon” on each bulb page to let you know which ones are better adapted at this.

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