Vegetable Garden
I started an indoor veggie garden and I couldn’t be any happier! From having to switch out old and soggy lettuce bags from the fridge to always having a fresh supply… I’m proud of myself for reducing my food waste and making every ingredient count. #indoorgardening #gardening #vegetablegarden

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ABOUT ARIANA: Hey! I’m Ariana and I’m passionate about growing indoor veggies and home cooking. I was inspired to start/reboot this channel because I enjoy helping people connect with their food through growing it, cooking it, and eating it. On this channel, you’ll find videos following my connection and journey with food, including recipes, Nutrition Coaching studies, and hydroponics.

DISCLAIMER(S): All thoughts, recipes, and advice on this channel are my own and a distillation of my learnings throughout years of research, culinary training, and restaurant work. Sources will always be posted if I’ve gained inspiration elsewhere.

Keywords: i built an indoor vegetable farm, i grew an indoor vegetable farm, i started an indoor vegetable garden, growing my own lettuce indoors, growing food indoors, growing food indoors year round, grow vegetables at home indoors, growing my own veggies at home, in home hydroponic gardening, growing food indoors apartment, kratky hydroponic vegetables, i started an indoor lettuce farm, i built a hydroponic system in my house, grow your own food indoors, vegetables grown in hydroponics, my kratky hydroponic veggies, i started an indoor veggie farm in my hallway, grow vegetables indoors, hydroponic veggies at home, my kratky hydroponic vegetable garden, indoor food gardening apartment

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