Porch decor https://liketk.it/48CRJ
Topiary trees https://rstyle.me/+8ToKNstBAm_CN_O-kvxrMQ
leaf blower https://rstyle.me/+pj03bfQznsOMm0xUId0zig
stone Planters https://rstyle.me/+_LT5R2MygEtXWERB38pvGw
Large white planter https://rstyle.me/+qGydv48m2ruTbIqqVYNXlw
porch rug https://rstyle.me/+jc0eB3ojCGErNedCZmyrdw
herb stand https://rstyle.me/+9A0Pg5RcO6hjoC77b2fmDw
clay pots https://rstyle.me/+JhUz0xDKTySnMAMmV8wqHQ
ceramic small pot https://rstyle.me/+T1l23WiXaMdZZCdvo8bSpQ
garden beds https://rstyle.me/+XmRr9nxu0cDN0EBmANQsMQ
weed fabric https://rstyle.me/+x-0eh0dZhqT8_XCWCP4PXA
my top https://rstyle.me/+ypCJUcNGaU2xhUKMMHwyHw
My hat https://rstyle.me/+clM3YoovGeSjBwgfIwNXIw
Summer patio https://youtu.be/ftXuz2aOFuY
Weekly Favorites https://liketk.it/4aoQm
Decor on SALE https://liketk.it/4afEG
♡ JAWS Cleaner http://bit.ly/32z8qEh Use code EMILY25 to save 25%
♡♡My Amazon Favorites https://youtu.be/Iw2bWdagIUY
Room Makeover https://youtu.be/f9ng7L07WYQ
$100 Kitchen Makeover http://bit.ly/2JiMMcb
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/mommafromscratch/
PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/momafromscratch/
BLOG: https://mommafromscratch.com/
BUSINESS INQUIRIES: mommafromscratch@gmail.com
Music I use https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/bfr0co/
♡Some links are affiliated, Doesn’t cost you anything, it helps support my family and my channel, its much appreciated! I always stay true to myself so I only share product I use and love myself. This video was made for adults but is family friendly! ♡🌻I hope you are inspired and motivated to unleash your creativity on a budget in all things home and lifestyle! ♡ God Bless!
FTC: This video is not sponsored.
#summerporchideas #porchdecoratingideas #gardenwithme #springgardening #greenhousegardening #summerporch