Welcome! Today I am working in my cut flower garden. I am right in the middle of my first cut flower succession and everything is looking wonderful! Also, an update on my experience with the Cool Flower Method of cut flower gardening! Enjoy!
#cutflowergarden, #cutflowergardenzone9b, #smallspacecutflowergarden #coolflowers
————L I N K S————
E M A I L: digplantwaterrepeat@gmail.com
I N S T A G R A M: https://instagram.com/digplantwaterrepeat/
M E R C H A N D I S E: https://dig-plant-water-repeat.creator-spring.com
W E B S I T E: https://www.digplantwaterrepeat.com
———— V I D E O L I N K S ————
Head Gardener Shirt: https://amzn.to/3CXuN8A
Cut Flower Succession Google Sheets Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/196YOC2W1Zyt1L5oQSQ0RxFlhIc_fACNrURfGLiay2eM/edit?usp=sharing
Cool Flower Method Book: https://amzn.to/3tmgQy4
The Gardener’s Workshop: https://thegardenersworkshop.com
———— A D D R E S S ————
Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618
———— D I S C L A I M E R ————
This video is not sponsored and all plants/products were purchased by me!
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