Garden Design

Today we’re visiting southern Maryland in the garden of Avis Veselya.

I shared a few pictures of my garden several years back but thought I’d send some updated pictures. They are from several seasons, starting with the hellebores peeking out from under the snow and moving into the flowers of the spring and summer.

We have lived in our little place by the Chesapeake Bay for 20 years, and I have loved to be in the garden for as long as I can remember. We have six grandchildren who come often, and much of the garden has been made with them in mind. They enjoy the freedom of the outdoor spaces and pathways. The Wee House is a small shed used for guest overflow, as a quiet place, and as a school by the children.

There were many natives here when we arrived: buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis, Zones 5–9), ferns of many types, Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica, Zones 5–9), and many more. I have planted hundreds of deer-resistant bulbs and tubers over the years, and spring is just wonderful.

bulbs blooming and new leaves beginning to emergeThe garden in spring includes bulbs blooming and new leaves beginning to emerge near the Wee House.

crocusesThe first crocuses (Crocus vernus, Zones 3–8)

white foxglovesEach bloom on these white foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea, Zones 4–9) is delicately decorated with spots in the throat.

Brave helleboreFlower buds on this brave hellebore (Helleborus hybrid, Zones 4–9) are weighed down by snow. That won’t harm these tough, early spring bloomers.

helleboresAfter the snow has melted, the hellebores put on their full spring display.

An inviting path to a bridge and more to explore beyond.An inviting path to a bridge promises more to explore beyond.

Virginia sweetspire.Three swallowtail butterflies feed on the flowers of the Virginia sweetspire.

bearded irisesMasses of bearded irises (Iris germanica, Zones 3–8) line the path with an incredible flower display.

red trilliumRed trillium (Trillium erectum, Zones 4–7) is a beautiful native wildflower.

small benchThis part of the garden was made with small grandchildren in mind, and it includes a pint-size bench just for them.

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