Garden Design

Today Priscilla King is sharing some of the beautiful fall colors in her garden.

I live very close to mile marker #1 at the entrance to the Blue Ridge Parkway in Central Virginia. The fall colors this year have been better than any recent year I can remember! These are pictures from my own yard and are what I have been looking out at for at least two weeks. Many leaves have fallen, but there are still many to be seen.

Solomon's sealThe variegated Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’, Zones 3–8) has developed a beautiful golden tone.

Hosta ‘Blue Jay’Hosta ‘Blue Jay’ (Zones 4–8), which is usually a deep blue-green, has turned to gold.

‘Viridis’This Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Viridis’ (Zones 5–9) is beautifully colored in copper and gold.

A wider view of the Acer palmatumThe Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Viridis’ is by the front door, with decorative gourds echoing its warm fall colors.

"Midas touch"I’m not sure what tree this is, but it definitely has the “Midas touch” of gold. (Editor’s note: From what I can see of the leaves, it is a maple, perhaps a Freeman maple [Acer × freemanii, Zones 3–9]. Freeman maples are hybrids of red and silver maples that can occur naturally in the wild, as well as being created by plant breeders.)

beautiful yellow color of this mapleThe yellow color of this maple is simply beautiful.

Japanese maple treeA little Japanese maple tree that a friend gave me years ago is so pretty with its various shades of red and orange.

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