Garden Design

You know you’re a hardcore gardener when you dream about moving to the tropics–not for the beaches and tiki drinks–but because that would enable you to grow so many more cool plants. In this episode we discuss tropical plants we wish we could grow in our cooler climates, or even ones that we are looking forward to trying to grow in the future (and overwintering them like our agaves). There are some selections you’ll recognize, but there are also a couple plants we are 99% sure you’ve never heard of before. So, grab your grass skirt (and a glass of rum punch) and meet us South of the equator for this tropical themed chat.

Expert testimony: Jim Kincannon is a horticulturist who previously worked at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (now called Newfields) gardens.


Danielle’s Plants

Butterfly stripe plant
Butterfly stripe plant

Butterfly stripe plant (Christia obcordata, Zones 11-12)

Porcipine tomato
Porcipine tomato

Porcupine tomato (Solanum pyracanthum, Zones 9-11)

Black cotton
Black cotton

Black cotton (Gossypium herbaceum ‘Nigra’, Zones 10-11)

Coral plant
Coral plant

Coral plant (Russelia equisetiformis, Zones 9-11)

Steve’s Plants

Gold vein plant
Gold vein plant

Gold vein plant (Sanchezia speciosa, Zones 9-11)

Angel’s trumpets
Angel’s trumpets

Angel’s trumpets (Brugmansia spp. and cvs., Zones 7b-11)

‘Thailand Giant’ elephants’ ears
‘Thailand Giant’ elephants’ ears

‘Thailand Giant’ elephants’ ears (Leucocasia gigantea ‘Thailand Giant’, Zones 8-10)


Gunnera (Gunnera manicata, Zones 8-11)


Expert Plants

Jim Kincannon is a horticulturist who previously worked at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (now called Newfields) gardens.

Golden lotus banana (credit: Jim Kincannon)
Golden lotus banana (credit: Jim Kincannon)

Golden lotus banana (Musella lasiocarpa, Zones 7-10)

Pineapple lily (credit: Jim Kincannon)
Pineapple lily (credit: Jim Kincannon)

Pineapple lily (Eucomis spp. and cvs., Zones 7-10)

Candle bush (credit: Jim Kincannon)
Candle bush (credit: Jim Kincannon)

Candle bush (Senna alata, Zones 9-11)

Mauritius hemp (credit: Jim Kincannon)
Mauritius hemp (credit: Jim Kincannon)

Mauritius hemp (Furcraea foetida ‘Mediopicta’, Zones 9-11)

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